Power Grid Connections
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve your ability to handle requests related to Power Grid connections
- Appraise the level of service we deliver
- Identify requests to handle first
- Focus our efforts on areas that need it most
Answer key business questions
- How many requests are currently open?
- How efficiently did we complete requests?
- Which requests should we prioritize?
- How effective are our work centers in handling requests within the timeframes set by the regulator? How do they compare with each other?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Created Requests: Total number of requests created
- Open Requests: Number of requests that are currently open
- Completed Requests: Number of requests that were completed over the period
Adherence to SLA
- Nb Completed Requests subject to SLA: Total number of completed requests with defined agreed date
- Nb Completed Requests in SLA: Number of requests that have been completed within the timeframe defined by the regulator (only considering requests that are subject to SLA)
- Completed Requests in SLA %: Share of requests that have been completed within the timeframe defined by the regulator (only considering requests that are subject to SLA) (expressed in %)
- Nb Completed Requests not in SLA: Number of requests that have been completed beyond the timeframe defined by the regulator (only considering requests that are subject to SLA)
- Average Cycle Time: Average number of business days to close the request (only for closed requests that are subject to SLA, expressed in day)
- Average End-to-End Time: Average number of days to close a request, from request date to complete date (expressed in day)
Required attributes
- Request ID (string): Unique request identifier
- Requester (string): Client/Company name
- Work Centre (string): Depot request assigned to
- Worksite Country (string; role: country): Country where the connection will be done
- Worksite ZipCode (string; role: zipcode): Zipcode where the connection will be done
- Actual Complete Date (datetime): The date the request was actually completed by
- Request Date (datetime): The date the request was submitted to the distributor
- Expected Complete Date (datetime): The date the request should be completed by
- Request Type (string): Type of connection intervention ← sample values: "New connection", ”Abolition”, “Alteration”,...
- Usage (string): Usage of the connection ← sample values: "Residential", "Commercial",...
- Phases Requested (string): Number of phases of the connection ← sample values: “One phase”, “Three-phase”,...
- Is a Renewable Installation? (string) ← Expected values: “Y” if renewable, “N” otherwise
- Is Request Complete? (string) ← Expected values: “Y” if the request is complete, “N” otherwise
- Is Request subject to SLA? (string) ← Expected values: “Y” if the request is subject to an SLA, “N” otherwise
Supports data mapping
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