Salesforce Data Cloud - Service Desk
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve the level of service of your Service Desk: overall and by agent group
- Focus your efforts on highest priority cases, or oldest cases
- Better serve users
- Adapt your resource allocation to peak periods
- Audit your ability to increase your level of service over time
Answer key business questions
- Which cases are currently open?
- How effective have we been in closing cases?
- What is the performance of our agent groups?
- What types of cases are created most often?
- Who handles the most cases?
- How long does it take to close cases?
- How many users are we servicing?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Created Cases: Number of cases that were created over the period
- Open Cases: Number of cases which are currently open
- Closed Cases: Number of cases that were closed over the period
- Users: Number of users who created at least one case
- Created Cases per User: Average number of cases created by user
- Closed Cases per Agent: Average number of cases closed per agent
- Agents: Number of agents who have been closing at least one case over the period
- Open Cases Duration Time: Average time since cases are open (for currently open cases only)
- Resolution Duration: Average time it takes to close a case (expressed in min)
Required attributes
- Case # (string): Case Unique Identifier
- Case Description (string): Description of the Case
- Open Date (datetime): Case Open Date-Time
- Close Date (datetime): Case Close Date-Time
- Case Category (string): Case Category
- Case Priority (string): Case Priority ← expected values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'
- User (string): Who opened the case
- Case Status (string): Case Status ← expected values: 'Open', 'Closed'
- Agent (string): Agent Working on the case
- Agent Group (string): Group of the Agent
Getting Started Steps
- Ensure you have Tableau Desktop version 2023.2 or higher installed, and it is licensed. Use the Salesforce Data Cloud connector to connect to Data Cloud. Note this is a connector released with the Data Cloud Summer’ 23 release as described here. This accelerator works only with the Salesforce Data Cloud connector.
- Ensure the Tableau has been provisioned access to pull data from Salesforce Data Cloud (previously known as Salesforce CDP). There is great documentation on how to do this on Customer Data Platform’s Help site.
Understand the Data Model Requirements
The Accelerator shows data from these objects
- ssot__Case__dlm
- Custom field label: Owner Id and API Name Owner_Id (the system will add the __c)
- Custom field label: Opened Date Time and API Name tab_Opened_Date_Time (the system will add the __c)
- ssot__Account__dlm
- ssot__AccountContact__dlm
- Custom field label: First Name and API Name tab_First_Name (the system will add the __c)
- Custom field label: Last Name and API Name tab_Last_Name (the system will add the __c)
- Custom field label: Full Name and API Name tab_Full_Name (the system will add the __c)
- tab_Data_Source__dlm (Custom object)
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