Patient Record | Tableau Exchange

Patient Record

by Tableau

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This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess the overall efficiency of the facility to treat patients
  • Monitor progresses
  • Control costs: Top DRG, DRG Deep-dive, Cost Weight, Breakdown by doctor
  • Optimize Admissions & Discharges process
  • Understand Patient base

A diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a patient classification system that standardizes prospective payment to hospitals and encourages cost containment initiatives. In general, a DRG payment covers all charges associated with an inpatient stay from the time of admission to discharge. The DRG includes any services performed by an outside provider.

Answer key business questions

  • How many stays do we handle? Which trends?
  • What is the typical LOS by specialty? How does it compare to the benchmark LOS?
  • What is the share of DRG-inliers?
  • How many discharges are done before noon?
  • What is the share of inpatient stays?
  • What is our average Cost-weight per stay? How does it evolve?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Nb of Stays: Total number of patient stays
  • Nb of Inpatient Stays: Total number of inpatient stays over the period (patients whose condition requires admission to a hospital)
  • Inpatient Stays %: Share of hospitalized patient stays compared to total number of patient stays
  • Nb of Emergency Admissions: Total number of stays with emergency admission over the period
  • Emergency Admissions %: Share of stays with an emergency admission
  • Nb of Discharges before midday: Number of patients who leave the facility before midday
  • Discharges before midday %: Share of discharges that were done before midday compared to total number of stays (expressed in %)


  • Nb of Patients: Total number of patients
  • Patient Age: Average age of patients at admission date

Length of Stay

  • LOS (days): Length Of Stay: average number of days that patients spend in facility (expressed in day)
  • LOS (△ vs Benchmark): Length Of Stay vs Benchmark: Difference in days between Actual LOS and Benchmark LOS (expressed in day)


  • Total Cost-Weight: Total Cost-Weight for all patient stays (the cost-weight is an index which represents the cost associated to a given stay)
  • Cost-Weight per Stay: Average cost-weigth per stay (the cost-weight is an index which represents the cost associated to a given stay)

DRG (Diagnosis Related Group)

Each stay is attached to a specific DRG code. The DRGs are a patient classification scheme which provides a means of relating the type of patients a hospital treats to the costs incurred by the hospital

DRG - Inliers

  • DRG - Nb of Inliers: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. This KPI determines the number of stays of Inliers
  • DRG - Inliers %: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of Inliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)
  • DRG - Nb of Low Inliers: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "low" inlier is closer to the lower boundary. This KPI determines the number of stays of Low Inliers
  • DRG - Low Inliers %: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "low" inlier is closer to the lower boundary. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of Low Inliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)
  • DRG - Nb of High Inliers: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "high" inlier is closer to the upper boundary. This KPI determines the number of stays of High Inliers
  • DRG - High Inliers %: An Inlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls within the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "high" inlier is closer to the upper boundary. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of High Inliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)

DRG - Outliers

  • DRG - Nb of Outliers: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. This KPI determines the number of stays of all Outliers, high and low
  • DRG - Outliers %: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of Outliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)
  • DRG - Nb of Low Outliers: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "low" outlier is below the lower boundary. This KPI thus determines the number of stays of Low Outliers
  • DRG - Low Outliers %: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "low" outlier is below the lower boundary. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of Low Outliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)
  • DRG - Nb of High Outliers: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "high" outlier is above the upper boundary. This KPI determines the number of stays of High Outliers
  • DRG - High Outliers %: An Outlier is a case where the cost of treatment falls outside the established cost boundaries of the DRG payment. A "high" outlier is above the upper boundary. This KPI thus determines the share of stays of High Outliers compared to all inpatient stays. (expressed in %)

Required attributes

  • Facility (string): Facility, Clinic, Hospital, Department, Site ...
  • Stay # (string): Stay Unique Identifier
  • Stay Type (string) ← expected values: 'Inpatient', 'Outpatient'
  • Inpatient Flag (string) ← expected values: 'Y', 'N'. 'Y' if Stay Type is Inpatient
  • Patient # (string): Patient Unique Identifier
  • Specialty (string): Medical Specialty
  • Service (string)
  • Doctor (string)
  • Main Diagnosis (string): Main medical diagnosis
  • Main Treatment (string): Main medical treatment
  • Admission Date (date): Date when the patient was admitted
  • Discharge Date (date): Date when the patient was discharged
  • Birth Date (date): Patient birth date
  • Gender (string): Patient gender: Male, Female
  • Admission Mode (string)
  • Admission - Emergency Flag (string) ← expected values: 'Y', 'N'. 'Y' means the admission was an emergency.
  • Discharge Mode (string)
  • DRG Code - Diagnosis Related Group (string): Code of the diagnosis related group
  • DRG Status (string) ← expected values: 'Low Outliers', 'Low Inliers', 'High Inliers', High Outliers'
  • LOS (days) - Length of Stay (numeric): Length of Stay according to DRG rules (in days)
  • DRG - LOS Benchmark (numeric, optional): LOS which is used as a reference to measure the performance of actual LOS (region average LOS for instance)
  • DRG Cost-Weight (numeric): Actual Cost-Weight for the Stay


Supports data mapping


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