Emergency Calls
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve your efficiency in handling emergency calls
- Better serve citizens across areas
- Better allocate your resources to areas that need it most
- Adapt your staffing to activity peaks
Answer key business questions
- What volume of calls for service do we have to manage?
- What are the most common types of incidents?
- Where do we operate the most?
- How effective are our stations in handling a call for service?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Nb Incidents: Total number of incidents over the period
- Distance: Average distance between the station selected to operate and an incident
- Time to Dispatch: Average time needed to dispatch a call to a station (time from First call to Dispatch, expressed in min)
- Time to En Route: Average time needed for a station to start a vehicle to the scene of an incident (time from Dispatch to En route, expressed in min)
- Time to Arrival: Average time needed for a vehicle to arrive to the scene of incident since the first call (time from First call to Arrival, expressed in min)
- Time from En Route to Arrival: Average time needed for a vehicle to arrive to the scene of incident since the call is finished (time from En Route to Arrival, expressed in min)
- Time from Call to Arrival: Average time needed for a vehicle to arrive to the scene of incident since the first call (time from First call to Arrival, expressed in min)
SLA Targets
- Time to Dispatch Target: According to SLA, max time to dispatch a call to a station (time from First call to Dispatch)
- Time to En Route Target: According to SLA, max time for a station to start a vehicle to the scene of an incident (time from Dispatch to En route, expressed in min)
Adherence to Dispatch SLA
- Nb Incidents in Dispatch SLA: Total number of incidents that were dispatch within Service Level Agreement: [Actual Dispatch Time] <= [Target Dispatch Time]
- Incidents in Dispatch SLA %: Share of incidents that were dispatch within Service Level Agreement: [Actual Dispatch Time] <= [Target Dispatch Time] (expressed in %)
- Nb Incidents not in Dispatch SLA: Total number of incidents that were dispatch outside Service Level Agreement: [Actual Dispatch Time] > [Target Dispatch Time]
Adherence to En Route SLA
- Nb Incidents in En Route SLA: Total number of incidents where "en route" took place within Service Level Agreement: [Actual En Route Time] <= [Target En Route Time]
- Incidents in En Route SLA %: Share of incidents where "en route" took place within Service Level Agreement: [Actual En Route Time] <= [Target En Route Time] (expressed in %)
- Nb Incidents not in En Route SLA: Total number of incidents where "en route" took place outside Service Level Agreement: [Actual En Route Time] > [Target En Route Time]
Required attributes
- Incident # (string): Incident unique identifier
- Call Date Time (datetime): Date and time the incident was reported
- Incident Type (string): Nature of the incident ("Fire Alarm","Explosion","Vehicle Fire"...)
- Incident Description (string): Longer description of the incident ("Accidental activation fire alarm..."...)
- Station (string): Station to which the emergency call was first dispatched
- Country (string, role: country): Country where the incident occurred
- State (string, role: province): Province/State where the incident occurred
- Incident City (string, role: city): City where the incident occurred
- Incident ZipCode (string, role: zip code): Zip code where the incident occurred
- Incident Latitude (numeric, role: latitude): Latitude of the incident
- Incident Longitude (numeric, role: longitude): Longitude of the incident
- Station City (string, role: city): City in which the station in charge of the incident is located
- Station Zip Code (string, role: zip code): Zip code in which the station in charge of the incident is located
- Station Latitude (numeric, role: latitude): Latitude of the station in charge of the incident
- Station Longitude (numeric, role: longitude): Longitude of the station in charge of the incident
- Time to Dispatch (in sec) (numeric): Time needed to dispatch the call to a station (expressed in seconds)
- Time to Dispatch Target (in sec) (numeric): Maximum time allowed to dispatch a call to a station (expressed in seconds)
- Time to En Route (in sec) (numeric): Time needed for the station to start a vehicle towards the scene of the incident (from dispatch to en route - expressed in seconds)
- Time to En Route Target (in sec) (numeric): Maximum time allowed for the station to start a vehicle towards the scene of the incident (expressed in seconds)
- Time to Arrival (in sec) (numeric): Time required for the vehicle to arrive at the scene of the incident (from en route to arrival - expressed in seconds)
- Distance (numeric): Distance from the station to the scene of the incident (expressed in miles or kilometers)
Mobile optimized
Supports data mapping
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