Occupational Health And Safety
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve employees health in the workplace
- Identify safety hazards, risks and area of problems
- Reduce & Prevent injuries, sickness and accidents
- Reach Zero Harm and compliance with industry standards
Answer key business questions
- How safe is the workplace?
- What is the frequency and severity of the lost time injuries?
- Did the lost time injuries occur at a particular time of the day?
- Which Sites and Business Line had the highest increase in incidents?
- What are the main causes of injuries?
- Which safety rule should we prioritize to prevent injuries?
- What are the most common injuries by Site and by Business line?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Lost Time Injuries: Include all on-the-job injuries that require a person to stay away from work or which result in death or permanent disability
- Number of Injuries: Total number of injuries
- Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): The frequency with which accidents occur during the workday for every million hours worked
- Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR): The number of days of lost time per one million hours worked. LTISR determines the degree of severity of worker injuries and illnesses
- Total Lost Hours: Hours of absence because of a work-related illness or injury
Incidents & Near Hits
- Number of Incidents: Total number of reported incidents
- Hazard Spots: A hazard is the potential for harm (physical or mental), that when left uncontrolled, can cause an injury or illness
- Reported Near Hits: An unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury, environmental or equipment damage, or an interruption to normal operation
Zero Harm
- Zero Harm Days %: Ratio of accident-free days to the number of days in the selected period
- Accident Free Days: Number of days with no worksite injuries
- Days Since Last Incident: Number of calendar days between Last Incident Date and Today
Required attributes
This Tableau Accelerator uses two datasets: “Reported Incidents” and “Body Map” You only need to provide the "Reported Incidents" since the "Body Map" is part of TWBX. You need to use the same Body Parts names in both data sets to join them.
Reported Incidents (Required):
- Incident No (string) : Unique identifier of the incident
- Date and Time of Incident (date) : Date and time when incident occurred
- Broken Rule (string) : The safety rules that were not respected at the time of the incident
- Business Line (string) : Business line or Activity Type
- Damage Type (string) : Type of the damage caused by the incident: Property damage, Illness, ...
- Damaged Item (string) : For injuries provide the name of the body part otherwise the damaged item
- Incident Type (string) : Type of the incident. Expected Values: 'Work Observation', 'Vehicle Incident', 'Property Damage Incident','Near Miss', 'Injury/Illness','Environmental Incident'
- Incident Cause (string) : the main cause of the incident
- Incident Severity (string) : Describes the severity of the incident: Critical, Major, Minor
- Reported By (string) -optional-: Name of the person who reported the incident
- Impacted Person (string) -optional-: the person impacted by the incident (if applicable)
- Worker Type (string) : Internal employee or visitor
- Site (string) : Name of the Site where the incident occurred
- City (string, role:City) : City where the incident occurred
- State (string, role:State) : State where the incident occurred
- Country (string, role:Country) : Country where the incident occurred
- Lost Hours (numeric) : Number of hours of absence because of work injury
Body Map (Included in the Tableau TWBX file)
- Body Part Id (numeric) : Unique identifier of the Body Part shape
- Body Part (string) : Name of the Body Part. These names should match with the values in the column Damaged Item..
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