Salesforce Education Cloud - Academic Admissions Process
by Tableau
This Tableau accelerator empowers enrolment management professionals to optimise their recruitment strategies and make data-informed decisions throughout the admissions cycle. By providing a comprehensive view of key performance indicators (KPIs), this dashboard enables institutions to:
- Assess where they stand in your admission process and how it trends over the past weeks
- Appraise their admissions funnel
- Identify the most attractive and selective programmes
- Focus recruiting efforts on programmes that need it most
- Assess improvements in terms of selectivity and attractiveness across intakes
In the academic world, “enrolment management” is a strategic approach to student recruitment and retention. This dashboard specifically addresses the "admissions" process, a crucial aspect of enrolment management, which is how universities and colleges recruit and enrol new students. This process typically happens in three distinct stages:
- Application*: Candidates submit their application, which is reviewed.*
- Acceptance*: After a selection process, applicants are notified of their acceptance or rejection.*
- Enrolment*: If the candidate accepts their admission, they are considered an enrolled student. If they decline, they are considered lost.*
Answer key business questions
- How many new applications have we been able to generate?
- What proportion of applicants choose to enrol after being offered admission?
- What are the top intake programmes, and what is their impact on the total enrolment?
- How fast are we able to recruit students?
- How attractive and selective are we compared to the competition?
Monitor and improve KPIs Applications
- Applications: Total number of applications received (including invalid applications)
- Invalid Applications: Total number of applications that are invalid (missing document for instance)
- Valid Applications: Total number of applications (excluding invalid applications)
- Withdrawn: Number of valid applications that were withdrawn by the applicant before being evaluated
- Withdrawn %: Share of applications that was withdrawn by the applicant before being evaluated (expressed in %)
- Applications Under Review: Total number of applications that are being reviewed
- Evaluated Applications: Number of applications that were evaluated (accepted or rejected)
- Rejected: Number of applications that were rejected
- Admitted: Total number of applications that were admitted
- Lost: Total number of applicants who were accepted and who finally declined it
- Admitted (total): Total number of admitted applications whether they have the status "Admitted", "Lost" or "Enrolled"
- Acceptance Rate: Share of Admitted applications on total evaluated admissions. Typically measures the selectivity of the academy.
- Enrolled: Total number of enrolled students
- Enrolled+Lost: Total number of enrolled and lost students
- Yield Rate: Share of admitted applicants who were enrolled. Represents the attractivity of the academy.
Required attributes
- Academic Period (string, Individual Application Object): Name of the intake (e.g. “Autumn 2019”, “2019/2020”...)
- Learning Programme Name (string, Learning Programme Object): Academic programme that the applicant is applying for admission to.
- Due Date (date, Individual Application Object): End date of the application period for this programme
- Applied Date (date, Individual Application Object): Date of application submission.
- Application Status (string, Individual Application): Expected values:
- “Application Decision”
- "In Review"
- "Cancelled
- "Incomplete"
- "Processing"
- "Ready For Decision"
- "Reviewed”
Understand the Data Model Requirements
This version of the Academic Admissions Accelerator has been updated to be compatible with the Salesforce Education Cloud Data Model. It relies on data from these Standard Education Cloud Objects:
- Individual Application
- Account (labelled as “Individual Application Person Account” and joined to “Individual Application” Object in the Accelerator’s Data Model)
- Application Decision
- Contact
- Academic Term
- Programme Term Application Timeline
- Learning Programme
- Learning
- Account (second instance of Account object joined to “Learning” object)
- Record Type
If you are using the legacy Education Data Architecture (EDA) data model, please use this version of the Academic Admissions Process accelerator.
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