Opportunity Tracking | Tableau Exchange
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Opportunity Tracking

di Tableau


Ermöglicht die Überwachung sich anbahnender Verkaufschancen, die mit ihren Phasen, Accounts und ihrem Umfang angezeigt werden.

Partners of Choice

Our top consulting Partners may be able to help you customize this Accelerator for your own business needs.

  • InterWorks - Tableau expertise from 8X Partner of the Year
  • Slalom - Global Data & Analytics and Business Expertise from Tableau's top SI
  • USEReady - Global team of modernization and analytics experts focused on Financial Services
  • Atrium - Regional Partner helps you make better decisions with CRM, AI, and Analytics
  • Keyrus - Solutions with Tableau and Salesforce prepare you for the future


Connessione a Salesforce
Ottimizzato per i cellulari

Lingue disponibili

Informazioni sull’acceleratore
Disponibile anche in
Cinese (semplificato)CoreanoFranceseGiapponeseIngleseItalianoPortogheseSpagnolo
