Telco - Account Development | Tableau Exchange

Telco - Account Development

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This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess & Grow Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC)
  • Predict & Reduce account churn
  • Optimise Product Mix
  • Understand Account Portfolio Evolution
  • Improve mobile penetration & 5G penetration
  • Identify potential MRC growth areas

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Answer key business questions

  • What is the composition of our revenues? How does it trend?
  • Are we efficient at recruiting new accounts? At retaining existing accounts?
  • Are we efficient at cross-selling?
  • What is Penetration Rate of Mobile, Internet and Mobile 5G?
  • Where do we have opportunities for improvement?

Monitor and improve KPIs

Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC)

  • Total MRC: Total Monthly fee paid by accounts
  • Total Mobile MRC: Total Monthly Recurring Charges: total monthly fee accounts pay for mobile services (expressed in currency)
  • Wireline MRC: Total Monthly Recurring Charges: total monthly fee accounts pay for wireline services (expressed in currency)
  • Wireline MRC %: Share of revenues which is generated by wireline (expressed in %)
  • Mobile MRC %: Share of revenues which is generated by Mobile (expressed in %)
  • MRC per Account: Average MRC per account (expressed in currency)


  • Mobile 5G Penetration: Share of mobile accounts who have 5G (expressed in %)
  • Mobile Penetration: Share of mobile accounts
  • Internet Penetration: Share of wireline accounts having “Internet” as product (expressed in %)
  • Mobile Device Penetration: Share of mobile accounts having “mobile device” as product (expressed in %)
  • Accounts with Mobile Only %: Share of accounts who are mobile only (expressed in %)
  • Accounts with Wireline Only %: Share of accounts who are wireline-only (expressed in %)

Accounts Churn

  • Churn Rate: Share of accounts who left
  • Lost Accounts: Number of accounts who left


  • Accounts: Total number of accounts
  • Mobile Accounts: Number of accounts having a mobile subscription
  • Mobile 5G Accounts: Number of mobile accounts with 5G network
  • Nb Accounts With Mobile Device: Number of accounts having a Mobile Device subscription
  • Nb Accounts With Mobile Only: Number of mobile-only accounts
  • Nb Accounts With Wireline Only: Number of wireline-only accounts
  • Nb Accounts With Wireline Phone: Number of accounts having a wireline phone subscription
  • Nb Accounts With Internet: Number of accounts having an internet subscription

Required attributes

The required dataset is a list of snapshots of your account base (at least 2):

  • Snapshot Date (date): Date of the Snapshot
  • Account # (string): Account Unique Identifier
  • Mobile Tenure Start Date (date): The date when the account initiated a mobile contract
  • Wireline Tenure Start Date (date): The date when the account initiated a wireline contract
  • Account Birth Date (date): Account Birth Date
  • Country (string, role: Country): Country of the account
  • State (string, role: State): State of the account
  • City (string, role: City): City of the account
  • Wireline - Has Internet Flag (string): “Y” if the account has Internet, otherwise set to “N”
  • Wireline - Has Wireline Telephone Flag (string): “Y” if the account has Wireline Telephone, otherwise set to “N”
  • Mobile - Has Mobile 5G Flag (string): “Y” if the account has Mobile 5G, otherwise set to “N”
  • Mobile - Has Mobile Device Flag (string): “Y” if the account has Mobile Device, otherwise set to “N”
  • Mobile MRC (numeric): Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC) for mobile
  • Wireline MRC (numeric): Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC) for telephone


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