Risk Register | Tableau Exchange

Risk Register

door Tableau


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess your current exposure to risks
  • Monitor your risks and focus on key priorities
  • Evaluate how effective you are at eliminating/mitigating risks

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Answer key business questions

  • What is the status of our risk register?
  • How many high-level risks have we? Are they spread across different categories? Are they of different ERM types? (ERM stands for Enterprise Risk Management)
  • How many risks have been opened recently?
  • Are we efficient at closing risks?

Monitor and improve KPIs

Created Risks

  • Created Risks: Number of risks that were created over the period

Open Risks

  • Open Risks: Number of risks that were opened over the period
  • New Open Risks: Number of risks that were opened in the previous 3 months

Closed Risks

  • Closed Risks: Number of risks that were closed over the period
  • New Closed Risks: Number of risks that were closed in the previous 3 months

Risk Duration

  • Open Risks Duration Time: Number of days since the opening of Open Risks
  • Duration until Closure: Average time it takes to close a risk

Required attributes

  • Risk # (string): Risk unique identifier
  • Risk Description (string): Description of the risk
  • Root Cause (string): Root cause of the risk
  • Open Date (date): Risk open date
  • Closed Date (date): Risk close date
  • Risk Category (string): Risk Category
  • Risk Level (string) ← expected values: “High”, “Medium”, “Low”
  • Risk Status (string) ← expected values: “Open”, “Closed”
  • Risk Owner (string): Risk owner
  • Risk ERM Type (string): “Operational”, “Compliance”, “Reporting”...


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