Budget Controlling | Tableau Exchange

Budget Controlling

door Tableau


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess & Control your budget consumption
  • Appraise budget consumption from different perspectives: Month-to-Date. Year-to-Date, Actual vs Budget vs LY, Tabular View

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • Where do we stand vs. our Budget? Monthly? Yearly?
  • Where do you have a Budget deviation?
  • How do your Actual, Budget and last year’s data compare?

Monitor and improve KPIs

  • Total Actual: Total actual amount (expressed in currency)
  • Total Budget: Total budget amount (expressed in currency)
  • Actual vs Budget: Remaining budget to be consumed (expressed in currency)
  • Actual vs Budget %: Share of budget consumed (expressed in %)
  • Budget Consumption %: Share of budget that was consumed (expressed in %)

Required attributes

  • Date (date): Period
  • Actual Amount (numeric)
  • Budget Amount (numeric) (add the level of detail of your choice to your dataset)


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