Retail Sales

door Tableau


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess the performance of your network & grow your sales
  • Predict evolution of sales
  • Optimise your product mix
  • Identify emerging/declining products
  • Pinpoint Stores that need help
  • Learn best practices from top stores
  • Identify sales drivers
  • Deep-dive at lowest level of detail: Store, Product Line, Product

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • What the performance of the Network?
  • Which stores need support?
  • What are the emerging Products/Stores?
  • How do I perform in my store compared to other similar stores?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Total Sales: Total amount of sales done in stores (sell-out, expressed in currency)
  • Sales per Store: Average Sales amount per store (all active stores over the period)


  • Active Stores: Total number of stores having a sales transaction over the period


  • Distinct Products Sold: Number of distinct referenced products (catalogue depth)

Required attributes

  • Date (date): Sales date
  • Shop (string): Shop name
  • Store Type (string): Store type
  • Country (string; role: country): Country where the shop is located
  • State (String; role: province): State where the shop is located
  • City (string; role: city): City where the shop is located
  • Store Latitude (numeric): Latitude where the shop is located
  • Store Longitude (numeric): Longitude where the shop is located
  • Product (string): Product name
  • Product Line (string): Product Line, Product Category, Business Line...
  • Sales Amount (numeric): Sales amount


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