Salesforce Service Cloud - Voice Call

door Tableau


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess & Improve the performance of your Call Centre
  • Increase your quality of service and productivity
  • Identify your top performing agents
  • Better allocate resources according to peak periods

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • How many incoming calls do we handle?
  • How many incoming calls do we handle per day on average?
  • How many calls were abandoned?
  • How many calls were answered?
  • How long do callers wait before hanging up?
  • How long do callers wait before having their call answered?

Monitor and improve KPIs

  • Total Incoming Calls
  • Total Abandoned Calls
  • Avg Wait Time
  • Avg Wait Time until Answer
  • Avg Wait Time until Abandon
  • Avg Talk Time
  • Nb of Agents
  • Total Answered Calls
  • Abandoned Calls %
  • Incoming Calls per Agent
  • Answered Calls per Agent
  • Calls per Customer
  • Answered Calls %
  • Incoming Calls (Daily)

Required attributes

  • Call # (string)
  • Call Date Time (date)
  • Call Resolution (string): expected value “Resolved” or null
  • Previous Call # (string): If null and call “resolved” means the issue was solved on the first call
  • Abandon Flag (string)
  • Customer (string)
  • Agent (string)
  • Call Reason (string)
  • Wait Time (s) (numeric)
  • Talk Time (s) (numeric)

Understand the Data Model Requirements

The Accelerator shows data from these objects:

  • Voice Call
  • User


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