Google Ad Spend and Campaign Performance
by phData
The Accelerator for Google Ad Spend and Campaign Performance provides marketing professionals with a clear line-of-sight to the performance of their Google Ads including spend, impressions, clicks, click through rates (CTR), cost per mille (CPM), cost per click (CPC), and cost per action (CPA). Consumers of this dashboard can quickly dive into specific campaign performance and track trends with just a few clicks.
You'll need a trial or license to Tableau Desktop to use this. Get started here. And connect directly with phData to find out more about this Accelerator.
Answer Key Business Questions
- What is the year to date total spend?
- How many impressions did we have last quarter?
- How many clicks occurred last quarter?
- How much more have we converted versus the same period last year?
- What is the trend of our click-through rate?
- What are our most effective keywords?
- Which campaigns are driving the most value?
- Which campaigns are driving the most volume?
- What is my performance on a specific campaign?
- How is a campaign performing on a critical KPI over time versus an ad group?
- How is a campaign performing on a critical KPI over time versus other keywords?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Spend
- Impressions
- Clicks
- Click through rates (CTR)
- Cost per mille (CPM)
- Cost per click (CPC)
- Cost per action (CPA)
Required Data Attributes
- GA:Date (datetime)
- Ga:adGroup (string)
- Ga:Campaign (string)
- Ga:Keyword (string)
- Ga:adCost (decimal)
- Ga:adClicks (int)
- Ga:Impressions (int)
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