Customer Cohort Analysis
by Biztory
The Accelerator for Customer Cohort Analysis provides details on customer acquisition and retention. Businesses can use the Accelerator's insights to assess the performance of their marketing operations on an annual basis at the category and subcategory levels, identify growth opportunities, and identify declining categories/subcategories.
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Answer Key Business Questions
- Are our customer numbers increasing/decreasing year after year?
- Which categories/subcategories attract the most customers each year?
- Which categories/subcategories are failing to attract new customers?
- What percentage of annual sales does each cohort contribute?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Customer cohort numbers by year
- Year-on-year cohort variance %
- £ and % cohort contribution to annual sales
Required Data Attributes
The report is running on a csv file that is currently filled with superstore data. The csv file can be downloaded and updated with your own company's information. Customer Name, Category, Sub-Category, Order Date, Order ID, Sales are all required fields.
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