Call Center Agent Analytics
by phData
The Accelerator for Call Center Analytics allows customer contact center administrators to manage their customers' experiences--and their call center operations. This dashboard provides managers with insights into the needs of customers and the reasons and times that they call; performance of agents; and at-risk customers, so that they can identify and remediate customer issues, make sure the right agents are working at the right times, and make sure that their staff have the right skills to deliver a great customer experience.
This Accelerator, which is based on customer deployments and projects, is powered by Tableau's own Call Center data from the Call Center Accelerator: the data models are based on common data models for call centers, and while this Accelerator may use the same data as Tableau's own, it's designed to show users who are newer to Tableau how they can get immediate value from Tableau, meet business needs rapidly, and progress on their journey of data democratization and discoverability.
You'll need a trial or license to Tableau Desktop to use this. Get started here.
You can connect directly with phData to learn about their Call Center expertise.
Answer Key Business Questions
- How many customers call, and how many hang-up before we can answer?
- How long do our customers wait for their call to be answered before they hang up?
- What percentage of our customers are satisfied with their experience?
- How are agents performing based on total call volume, customer satisfaction, and first call resolution?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Total Calls
- Abandoned Calls
- Answered Calls
- Wait Time until Abandon
- Wait Time until Answer
- First contact resolution rate
Required Data Attributes
- Abandon Flag (string) Y/N if call is abandoned
- Agent (string)
- Call # (string) Unique ID of call
- Call Date Time (datetime) Date and time of call
- Call Reason (string) Reason for call
- Customer (string) Customer Name
- First Contact Resolution Flag (string) Y/N of first contact resolution
- Customer Satisfaction (int) Score 1.0 to 5.0
- Talk Time (s) (int) Total talk time on call
- Wait Time (s) (int) Total wait time on call
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