Retail Crime | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜

Retail Crime

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Track and reduce retail crime
  • Proactively address and mitigate criminal activities
  • Protect assets
  • Ensure the safety of employees and customers
  • Identify and implement optimal security models
  • Focus efforts on high-risk areas to prevent crime-related losses
  • Identify stores in need of security investment for targeted improvements

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • How exposed are we to retail crime?
  • How does this affect our results?
  • How effective are we at preventing retail crime?
  • Where should we focus our efforts to minimise retail crime?
  • Which stores require specific attention?
  • Where should we invest next to maximise impact?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Total Sales $: Total amount of sales done in stores (sell-out, expressed in currency)
  • Sales $ per Store: Average Sales amount per store (all active stores over the period)


  • Total Crime $: Total Crime amount over the period (expressed in currency)
  • Average Crime $: Average Crime amount per crime (expressed in currency)
  • Nb of Crimes: Total number of crimes over the period
  • Crime vs Sales %: Crime amount as percentage of Total Sales amount (expressed in percentage)
  • Crime $ per Store: Average Crime amount per Store (expressed in currency)


  • Nb of Stores: Total number of stores having a sales transaction or a crime over the period

Loss Prevention

  • Total Prevention $: Total cost of prevention measures implemented (expressed in currency)
  • Estimated Crime Reduction $: Estimated amount of the impact of security measures in place to reduce losses from retail crime. This estimation is calculated in comparison to Total Crime $ of stores with the weakest security measures (expressed in currency)
  • Estimated Net Benefits $: Estimated amount of benefits from implementing security measures. (expressed in currency)
  • Estimated ROI %: Estimated Return On Investment from implementing security measures (expressed in percentage)

Required attributes

This Tableau Accelerator uses two concatenated datasets: “Reported Crime” and “Retail Sales”. You must use the same Shops and Product lines in both datasets to get a meaningful result in the Tableau Accelerator.

Reported Crimes

  • Crime ID (string): Unique Identifier of the crime
  • Date (date): Crime date
  • Shop (string): Shop name
  • Country (string; role: country): Country where the shop is located
  • State (String; role: province): State where the shop is located
  • City (string; role: city): City where the shop is located
  • Store Latitude (numeric): Latitude where the shop is located
  • Store Longitude (numeric): Longitude where the shop is located
  • Security Model (string): The security model refers to the strength of measures in place to protect assets. Expected values: “Very Low”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Very High””
  • Security Model Description (string): The security model description details the measures in place to protect assets. e.g: “Employee Training”, “Employee Training + Surveillance System” etc.
  • Product Line (string): Product Line, Product Category, Business Line...
  • Source of Crime (string): Source of Crime e.g: “Customer Theft”, “ORC - Organised Retail Crime”, “Employee Theft”, “Supplier/Warehouse Theft” etc.
  • Crime Amount (numeric): Crime amount

Retail Sales

  • Date (date): Sales date
  • Shop (string): Shop name
  • Country (string; role: country): Country where the shop is located
  • State (String; role: province): State where the shop is located
  • City (string; role: city): City where the shop is located
  • Store Latitude (numeric): Latitude where the shop is located
  • Store Longitude (numeric): Longitude where the shop is located
  • Security Model (string): The security model refers to the strength of measures in place to protect assets. Expected values: “Very Low”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Very High””
  • Security Model Description (string): The security model description details the measures in place to protect assets. e.g: “Employee Training”, “Employee Training + Surveillance System” etc.
  • Product Line (string): Product Line, Product Category, Business Line...
  • Sales Amount (numeric): Sales amount


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