Academic Admissions | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜

Academic Admissions

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531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess where you are in your admissions process and how it has developed over the past few weeks
  • Appraise your admissions funnel
  • Identify the most attractive/selective programs
  • Focus your recruiting efforts on programs that need it most
  • Assess your improvements in terms of selectivity and attractiveness across intakes

In the academic world, “admissions” is the process by which the university/management school recruits new students. This process usually happens in three steps:

  • Application: candidates submit their application
  • Acceptance: after a selection process, applicants are notified of their acceptance or rejection
  • Enrollment: when the candidate accept their admission, they are considered as enrolled students

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • Are we able to generate new applications?
  • What proportion of applicants choose to enrol after being offered admission?
  • What are the top intakes and programs and what is their impact on the total enrolment?
  • How fast are we able to recruit students?
  • How attractive are we compared to the competition?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Applications: Total number of applications received (including invalid applications)
  • Invalid Applications: Total number of applications that are invalid (missing document for instance)
  • Valid Applications: Total number of applications (excluding invalid applications)
  • Withdrawn: Number of valid applications that were withdrawn by the applicant before being evaluated
  • Withdrawn %: Share of applications that was withdrawn by the applicant before being evaluated (expressed in %)
  • Applications Under Review: Total number of applications that are being reviewed
  • Evaluated Applications: Number of applications that were evaluated (Accepted or Rejected)
  • Rejected: Number of applications that were rejected


  • Admitted: Total number of applications that were admitted
  • Lost: Total number of applicants who were accepted and who finally declined it
  • Admitted (total): Total number of admitted applications whether they have the status “Admitted”, “Lost” or “Enrolled”
  • Acceptance Rate: Share of Admitted applications on total evaluated admissions. Typically measures the selectivity of the academy.


  • Enrolled: Total number of enrolled students
  • Enrolled+Lost: Total number of enrolled and lost students
  • Yield Rate: Share of admitted applicants who were enrolled. Represents the attractivity of the academy.


  • Applicants: Total number of students who sent a valid application (excluding invalid applications)
  • All Applicants: Total number of students who sent us an application (including invalid applications)
  • Applications per Applicant: Average number of applications per applicant (including invalid applications)
  • Applicant Age: Average age of applicants (when they apply)

Required attributes

  • Academic Period (string): Name of the intake (e.g. “Autumn 2019”, “2019/2020”...)
  • Academy (string): Name of the college, university, business school...
  • Program / Section (string): Academic program in which the application is done
  • Application Period Start Date (date): Start date of the application period for this program
  • Application Period End Date (date): End date of the application period for this program
  • Application Date (date): Date of application
  • Applicant ID (string): Unique identifier of the applicant
  • Valid Application Flag (string):“Y” if all the documents are received to review the application ← Expected values: “Y”, “N”
  • Application Status (string): Last application status Expected values:
    • “Under Review”
    • “Withdrawn” (before Admitted/Reject assessment)
    • “Admitted”
    • “Rejected”
    • “Enrolled”
    • “Lost” (the admitted applicant denied joining)


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