Insurance Claims | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜

Insurance Claims

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess your performance handling claims
  • Pinpoint most impactful open claims
  • Identify most effective agents
  • Improve process effectiveness
  • Drill-back at “Claim #” level of detail, directly in your Claim Application and take immediate actions

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • What is our total volume of claims, and how many are currently open?
  • On average, how long does it take to close a claim?
  • Which agent group handles the largest volume of claims?
  • How many claims are closed per month broken down by agent group?
  • How does the reimbursement percentage evolve per month by agent group?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Nb Claims: Total number of claims that were created over the period
  • Nb Open Claims: Total number of claims that are currently open
  • Nb Closed Claims: Total number of claims that were closed over the period
  • Nb Reimbursed Claims: Total number of claims that were reimbursed to customers over the period
  • Claims Reimbursed %: Share of claims that were reimbursed on the total number of closed claims (expressed in %)


  • Total Damages: Total amount of damages as estimated in the claims (expressed in currency)
  • Total Outstanding Damages: Total amount of damages for open claims (expressed in currency)
  • Total Deductible: Total amount the insured is responsible for paying toward an insured loss (expressed in currency)
  • Total Paid: Total amount paid to the policy holders for their claims (expressed in currency)


  • Agents #: Total number of agents that were working on claims over the period
  • Nb Open Claims per Agent: Average number of claims opened over the period per working agent


  • Average Days to Close: Average time it takes to close a case. It determines the effectiveness in handling claims (expressed in days)
  • Open Since (days): Average number of days since claims were opened (open claims only; expressed in days)

Required attributes

  • Claim Number (string): Claim unique identifier
  • Event Date (date): Date when the event to which the claim relates occurred
  • Open Date (date): Date the claim was opened
  • Close Date (date): Date the claim was closed. Null if the claim is not closed yet
  • Claim Status (string): Current status of the claim. Expected values: “Reimbursed”, “Rejected” or Null if the Claim is not closed yet
  • Claim Reason (string): Reason given for the claim
  • Policy Number (string): Policy unique identifier
  • Policy Holder (string): Policy holder identifier
  • Policy Type (string): Type of the Policy (Auto, Residential, Commercial, ...)
  • Business Line (string): Business Line of the insurance product (Professional, Property, Technology, Vehicle, ...)
  • Agent (string): Agent working on the claim
  • Agent Group (string): Grouping of Agents processing the claims (Back Office, Front Office, Fraud, Inspection experts,...)
  • Is Closed Flag (string): Indicates whether the case is closed or not. Expected values: “Y”, “N”. “Y” means that the claim is closed
  • Is Reimbursed Flag (string): Indicates whether the amount claimed has been refunded. Expected values: “Y”, “N”. “Y” means that the claim is reimbursed
  • Damages Amount (numeric): The amount of damage to which the claim relates
  • Claim Paid Amount (numeric): Total paid amount by the insurance provider for the claim
  • Deductible (numeric): Amount the insured is responsible for paying toward an insured loss


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