Inventory | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜


299c-表:by Tableau|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess the status of your inventory
    • Stock status: stock-out, below safety stock, at stock, over stock
    • Inventory Value: Total Value, Excess-stock value, Missing-stock amount
    • Deep-dive to Warehouse level, Item Level
  • Assess availability of items
    • Actual stock, Location
    • Forecasted stock, inflows, outflows
  • Reduce risks
    • Identify items that are out of stock or below the safety stock threshold
    • Assess how much money is needed to replenish the inventory
    • Pinpoint over-stock items and reduce the risk of dead stock
  • Optimise your Stock Coverage
    • Automation of the replenishment process
    • Buffer stocks
    • Inventory controls

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • What is the value of our inventory?
  • Which items are stock-out? Below safety stock?
  • What is the availability of this item? What is the forecast for the coming days?
  • Which positions must be refilled? What would it cost?
  • Which items are in excess stock?

Monitor and improve KPIs

Inventory Value

  • Inventory Value: Total value of items stored in inventory (expressed in currency)
  • Excess Stock Value: Total value of items that exceed the Over-Stock threshold (defined for each position) (expressed in currency)
  • Excess Stock Value %: Share of Inventory Value that is in Excess over the Total Inventory Value (expressed in %)
  • Missing-Stock Value: Total amount needed to fill the missing stock at the safety-stock threshold (expressed in currency)
  • Outflow Value: Total value of the items removed from the inventory during the period (expressed in currency)

Inventory Quantities

  • On-Hand Quantity (SKU): Unit quantity available in stock
  • Inflow Quantity: Unit quantity that was added to the inventory during the period
  • Outflow Quantity: Unit quantity removed from the inventory during the period
  • Net Flow Quantity: Total net evolution of the stock, in quantity, during the period
  • Safety-Stock Threshold Quantity: Unit quantity under which the availability of an item is no longer secured
  • Over-Stock Threshold Quantity: Unit quantity above which an item is considered Over-Stock
  • Number of days before Stock-Out: Number of days left before the next expected Stock-Out of a Position or Item

Positions (Current Inventory)

  • Number of Positions: Number of inventory item positions (a referenced item in a warehouse)
  • Number of Positions Over-Stock: Total Number of positions that are Over-Stock in the last period
  • Over-Stock Positions %: Share of positions that are Over-Stock in the last period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions At-Stock: Total Number of positions that are At-stock in the last period
  • At-Stock Positions %: Share of positions that are At-Stock in the last period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions Below-Safety-Stock: Total Number of positions that are Below-Safety-Stock in the last period
  • Below-Safety-Stock Positions %: Share of positions that are Below-Safety-Stock in the last period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions Out-of-Stock: Total Number of positions that are Out-of-Stock in the last period
  • Out-of-Stock Positions %: Share of positions that are Out-of-Stock in the last period (expressed in %)

Positions (Past Inventory: daily/monthly positions over the period)

  • Number of Positions (over the period): Number of inventory item positions (a referenced item in a warehouse)
  • Number of Positions Over-Stock (over the period): Total Number of positions that are Over-Stock over the period
  • Over-Stock Positions % (over the period): Percentage of times positions were Over-Stock during a given period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions At-Stock (over the period): Total Number of positions that are At-stock over the period
  • At-Stock Positions % (over the period): Percentage of times positions were At-Stock during a given period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions Below-Safety-Stock (over the period): Total Number of positions that are Below-Safety-Stock over the period
  • Below-Safety-Stock Positions % (over the period): Percentage of times positions were Below-Safety-Stock during a given period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Positions Out-of-Stock (over the period): Total Number of positions that are Out-of-Stock over the period
  • Out-of-Stock Positions % (over the period): Percentage of times positions were Out-of-Stock during a given period (expressed in %)
  • Number of Missing-Stock Positions (over the period): Total Number of Missing-Stock positions (either Below-Safety-Stock or Out-of-Stock) over the period
  • Missing-Stock Positions % (over the period): Percentage of times positions were Missing-Stock during a given period (expressed in %)

Required attributes

  • Inventory Date (date): Date of the Inventory
  • Warehouse (string): Warehouse in which the item is stored
  • Warehouse Country (string; role: country): Country of the Warehouse
  • Warehouse Latitude (Numeric; role: latitude): Latitude of the Warehouse
  • Warehouse Longitude (Numeric; role: longitude): Longitude of the Warehouse
  • Item Family (string): Family/Business Unit of the Item
  • Item (string): Item name
  • Unit of Measure (string): Unit of measure of the Item
  • On-Hand Quantity (numeric): Available quantity of the Item
  • Unit Inventory Value (numeric): Unit value of the Item
  • Safety-Stock Threshold Quantity (numeric): Limit below which the Item is under-stocked
  • Over-Stock Threshold Quantity (numeric): Limit beyond which the Item is overstocked
  • Inflow Quantity (numeric): Quantity of incoming flow
  • Outflow Quantity (numeric): Quantity of outflow


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