Salesforce Data Cloud - Agent Operational Efficiency
by Tableau
Assess the operational efficiency of your AI Agents
Tableau Pulse Adoption
by Tableau
Explore existing Pulse usage and uncover new Pulse opportunities
Databricks Compute Cost Overview
by Tableau
Understand and control your Databricks account spend.
Data Source Manager for Tableau Cloud
by Tableau
Better explore, understand and improve your data source management in Tableau Cloud
GridPulse – am Puls des Energieverbrauchs
by Slalom
Überwache Verbrauch, Kosten, Einsparungen & Umweltauswirkungen
GridPulse - Optimize the Heartbeat of Energy Consumption
by Slalom
Track energy consumption, costs, savings & environmental impact for transparency
Project Portfolio
by Tableau
Evaluate your project portfolio: budget consumption, risk level, progress
Tableau Cloud移行技術準備アセスメント
by Tableau
日本語版のワークブック。数回クリックするだけで、お使いの Tableau Server が Tableau Cloud への移行の準備ができているかどうかを確認できます。
Aceleración de Ventas
by Ennube
Analiza cuántas actividades se necesitan para cerrar una venta
Tableau Cloud Migration Planner
by Zuar
Identify the content that does/does not need to be migrated to Tableau Cloud.
Tableau Cloud Migration Technical Readiness Assessment
by Tableau
With just a few clicks, you can check whether your Tableau Server is ready to migrate to Tableau Cloud.
Sales Acceleration
by Ennube
Analyse how many activities it takes to close a sale
Product Gaps & Risk Analysis
by Vivun
Use the Product Gaps & Risk Analysis accelerator to understand which of your deals may be at risk
Team Member Activities
by Vivun
Use the Team Member Activities Accelerator to understand where your team is spending their time
Funnel & Risk Analysis
by Vivun
Evaluate key metrics on how deals are performing & see historical perspective on deal lifecycle
Team Member Performance
by Vivun
Use the Team Member Performance Accelerator to understand how your team is performing
Tableau Cloud Migration Scope Evaluator
by USEReady
Expedite migration from Tableau on-prem to Tableau Cloud while automating steps in the framework
Plan Cloud Migrations with TabMove
by Biztory
Self-service estimator of level of effort to migrate to Tableau Cloud
Tableau Server Usage
by The Information Lab
Who’s using Tableau Server, and what’s the most popular content?
Snowflake Platform Monitoring
by Actinvision
Consumption and usage patterns for your Snowflake deployment
Snowflake Account Usage
by Tableau
Track your usage, costs and performance of your Snowflake account
Dashboard Load Times - Tableau Cloud
by Tableau
Monitor and drive improvements in Tableau dashboard load times
Project Management Overview
by Merkle
Insights into project budget, performance and timelines.
Runaway Queries on Snowflake
by CoEnterprise
Quick insights into runaway queries in Snowflake with available Slack integration
Design Auditor (Professional Services required)
by Tableau
Grade Tableau dashboards against performance best practices to drive improvements in load times.
Dashboard Load Times
by Tableau
Monitor and drive improvements in Tableau dashboard load times