Broker Portfolio Analytics
by The Information Lab
Step into the realm of insurance analytics with confidence. The Accelerator for Broker Analytics allow you to unlock comprehensive insights and enhance your decision-making. Within this powerful platform, you can monitor critical revenue and profit KPIs, analyze broker performance, benchmark underwriters, and gain visibility into your renewal pipeline.
How can our suite of Insurance Analytics Accelerators help you?
- KPI Overview: provides a high-level view to monitor multiple insurance-related KPIs and track changes over time.
- Broker Analytics: designed for underwriters, these accelerators reveal top-performing brokers, their costs, returns, and internal KPI benchmarks.
- Renewal Progress Analysis: through visualizing the status of deals eligible for renewal, users are able to ascertain the progress and completion of their portfolio.
- Underwriter Performance: compare and benchmark underwriters using KPIs like GWP, NILR, policy count, and cost per policy.
You can connect with The Information Lab directly to find out how their experts can help you with your own Broker Analytics.
Answer Key Business Questions
- How have our key broker performance indicators changed relative to last year?
- How have brokers individually contributed to GWP, NILR, RRV, TA change?
- What is the distribution of scores between different brokers?
- What contribution did the top 10 brokers make vs the rest and who are the top 10?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- GWP, £, Gross written premium
- Live policy count, int, the number of live policies
- Net incurred loss ratio (NILR), %, Net written premium ÷ incurred claims
- Brokerage, %, Total acquisition costs ÷ gross written premium
- Renewal rate variation (RRV), %, Net written premium internal share ÷ as if policy premium
- Technical adequacy (TA), %, Net written premium internal share ÷ benchmark net premium
Required Data Attributes
- Policy ID, (string), unique identifier of each policy
- Broker name/ ID, (string), unique identifier of each broker responsible for the policy
- Inception date, (date), the date the policy was launched
- Gross written premium internal share, (currency) £
- Benchmark net premium, (currency), £
- Committed RRV, (int)
- Incurred claims internal share, (currency), £
- Total acquisition cost, (currency), £
- As if policy premium, (currency), £
- Net incurred loss ratio (NILR), (int) %, Net written premium ÷ incurred claims
- Technical adequacy (TA), (int) %, Net written premium internal share ÷ benchmark net premium
- Contract status type, (string), (bound, enquiry or quote)
- Entry Status, (string), (Cancelled, Live, NTU, Partial)
- Net written premium internal share, (int), £
Supports data mapping
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