
Salesforce Data Cloud - Agent Operational Efficiency
by Tableau
Assess the operational efficiency of your AI agents

GridPulse – am Puls des Energieverbrauchs
by Slalom
Überwache Verbrauch, Kosten, Einsparungen & Umweltauswirkungen

GridPulse - Optimize the Heartbeat of Energy Consumption
by Slalom
Track energy consumption, costs, savings, & environmental impact for transparency
Patient Record
by Tableau
Assess the overall efficiency of the facility to treat patients
Budget Controlling
by Tableau
Monitor, track, and manage financial performance and expenditures vs budget
Risk Register
by Tableau
Assess your current exposure to risks

Aceleración de Ventas
by Ennube
Analiza cuántas actividades se necesitan para cerrar una venta

Tableau Cloud Migration Scope Evaluator
by USEReady
Expedite migration from Tableau on-prem to Tableau Cloud while automating steps in the framework

Salesforce Data Cloud Service Accelerator
by Atrium
Unify customer data to enable quick case resolution in Service Cloud & improve customer satisfaction

Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder
by Lovelytics
Trends in care across your facilities and patient population

Patient Journey Accelerator
by Globant
Understand patient behavior to enable better treatment plans

Pilotage Hospitalier Stratégique
by Mydral
Mettre en avant les éléments essentiels pour le bon pilotage stratégique de hospitaux

Quality Care Analytics
by InterWorks
Analyses the results of Care Quality Commission audits of healthcare settings in the UK.
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by Tableau