Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder | Tableau Exchange

Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder

by Lovelytics

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The healthcare industry has a legacy of highly structured data models and complex analytics pipelines. This vast trove of data is used in clinical trial analytics, therapeutics, operational reporting, and governance & compliance, but making this data accessible and actionable is both extremely expensive and time-consuming.

The Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder from Lovelytics solves several problems for you: this Accelerator makes it easy for healthcare providers to visualize data in easy-to-use, actionable analytics. You can automate the ingestion of streaming FHIR bundles into the data lakehouse for downstream patient analytics at scale with the Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder, which provides insights into facilities, procedures, and patient trends.

What can a data lakehouse do for you? Check out their blog, and connect with Lovelytics.

Answer Key Business Questions

  • How many people are in our patient population?
  • What are the trends across different age groups and treatments/procedures?
  • At the patient level, how frequently are we seeing individuals, and what does their journey over time at our facilities look like?

Monitor and Improve KPIs

  • Total patients
  • Patients by gender
  • Total procedures, encounters, and visits

Data Strategy

This Accelerator connects to a Databricks lakehouse that's been designed to ingest industry-standard FHIR packets, and it uses standard data object design for

  • Person
  • Encounter
  • Condition
  • Procedure occurence


Supports data mapping


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