Team Member Activities | Tableau Exchange

Team Member Activities

door Vivun


The Accelerator for Team Member Activities provides metrics to help you understand where your team is spending their time. Unlock productivity patterns, optimise project execution and achieve sustained operational excellence. With a data-driven approach, you can work to streamline workflows, capitalise on successful approaches and drive success in an increasingly competitive business landscape.

Answer Key Business Questions

  • Are we using PreSales insights to drive more predictable revenue?
  • Does the overall level, mix and stage of PreSales activity support the forecast?
  • Are we consistently getting to the Technical Win?
  • How much effort is my team putting into Opportunities that result in Closed/Won?
  • How much effort is my team putting into Opportunities that result in Closed/Lost?

Monitor and Improve KPIs

  • Average Deliverable Hours on All Closed Opps
  • Win Rate
  • Sum of Opportunity Amount
  • Count of Deliverables
  • Average Hero Activity Hours on Closed Opps
  • Count of Hero Activities
  • Sum of Hero Activity Hours

Required Data Attributes

Most fields utilised in the metrics are added to a customer’s source data as part of the Vivun Managed Package installed in Salesforce. A smaller number of fields used in calculations are standard fields in Salesforce.

  • Opportunity.PreSales Stage Name (string)
  • Opportunity.IsWon (Boolean)
  • Opportunity.IsClosed (Boolean)
  • Opportunity.Amount (number)
  • Opportunity.Close Date (date)
  • Opportunity.Forecast Category (string)
  • Opportunity.Currency ISO Code (string)
  • User.Title (number)
  • User.Name (string)
  • Deliverable.Started Date (date)
  • Deliverable.Started to Completed (number)
  • Deliverable.Status (string)
  • Deliverable.Type (string)
  • Hero Activity.Focus (string)
  • Hero Activity.Hours (number)
  • Hero Activity.Start Date (date)
  • Hero Activity.Type (string)
  • Hero Activity.Status (string)


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