Write-Back Form Builder | Tableau Exchange

Write-Back Form Builder

door M2

Licentie vereist


The M2 Form Builder write-back extension enables the creation of Tableau extensions and offers simple tools that can be combined to form flexible and fully customisable input masks – without programming knowledge. From a toolbox of simple building blocks, you can create complex input masks that communicate with their data sources in a variety of ways. You can execute any SQL statement in the context of the Tableau dashboard. This allows you to interactively change or augment your data source and immediately visualise the result on a Tableau dashboard.

To learn more about the write-back solution, please visit our product page. To see an example of a live form please check out our demo.

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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