Pixel Perfect | Tableau Exchange

Pixel Perfect

door USEReady

Licentie vereist


Pixel Perfect extension is a one-stop print-ready reporting solution which can support:

  • Print-ready and well-formatted reports in Tableau
  • Make reports available in popular export formats like pdf, ppt, excel, csv, doc, html, etc.
  • Paginated Reports with Page Numbers, Page Breaks and Repeatable Headers
  • Flat Reports without limitations to number of rows and columns
  • Report Distribution via email and SFTP

To experience the workflow please visit our Tableau Server

Username: PPR_Explorer

Password: PPR@Useready#321

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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