Aible | Tableau Exchange


door Aible

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With Aible you can create ROI-optimised AI right from your Tableau dashboard. Unlike other AI tools that are built primarily for the data scientist, Aible empowers everyone – including analysts and business users. With Aible, the focus is always on the factors driving the business – costs, benefits, organisational capacity. Aible is designed to maximise business impact. How? By training a portfolio of models that help optimise your business resources, even under changing business conditions.

With the Tableau extension from Aible, business users and analysts can not only embed predictions and recommendations directly within dashboards, but can also quickly conduct robust scenario analysis and multiple what-if testing. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Aible enables end users to adjust the AI predictions to be aggressive or conservative based on what they’re seeing on the frontlines, providing individualised recommendations for every part of the business directly from the Tableau interface. Aible automatically switches to the optimal model and along with the AI prediction, provides up to the minute insight on what drove the prediction, guidance on what action to take to maximise ROI, and an opportunity for each individual to provide feedback on the AI. The Aible Extension is free to licensed Aible users. Visit for details.

New to Aible? Request your free pre-designed Tableau workbook with the Aible Extension to see three ways to leverage AI that delivers measurable ROI directly within your Tableau dashboards at

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
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Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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