Kinetica Geospatial Visualisation | Tableau Exchange

Kinetica Geospatial Visualisation

door Kinetica

Licentie vereist


The Kinetica Geospatial Analytics extension for Tableau harnesses the power of Kinetica’s server-side geospatial rendering to deliver virtually unlimited scale of geospatial visualisation in Tableau.

Link the extension to a geospatial table in Kinetica and choose from several rendering options, like discrete features or heatmap, and customise the colours as desired. Visualise points, polygons and time-ordered traces on a default or customised basemap of your choosing. When used in conjunction with Kinetica’s ODBC/JDBC connector, filters applied in Tableau or geospatial filters defined in the Kinetica extension will instantly update all results in the dashboard.  Clicking on an area in the map will open a pop-up with detailed table information about the features near the point of interest.

New features in this version include:

  • Cross filtering from Kinetica to Tableau
  • Class break rendering
  • Support for multiple layers of geospatial data rendered server-side
  • Support for calculated fields

For more information, visit our documentation site

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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