Gap Analysis | Tableau Exchange

Gap Analysis

door DataMa

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Smart Waterfall gives you main drivers of your performance variations

Enhance your data analysis with our advanced analytics engine, designed to unlock powerful insights into your key performance metrics. Our tool excels in quick and intelligent root cause analysis, scoring and highlighting the most impactful drivers for your business. This enables you to make data-driven decisions with greater effectiveness. Note: The free version provides basic access. Contact us if you want the full features extension.


  • Waterfall & Tree Analysis: Explore detailed waterfall charts, complemented by a performance tree, for in-depth data examination.
  • Smart Scoring Engine: Automatically identifies and displays key factors that explain performance variations, simplifying complex data.
  • Mix Effect Analysis: Assess the specific impact of Mix effect on your performance metrics.
  • Intelligent Comments: Convert data analysis into smart, actionable insights, presented in a consolidated and understandable format.
  • Interactive Charts: Engage with your data through zoom, click, filter and drill-down options for deeper exploration.
  • Customisation Options: Tailor your experience with adjustable colours, units, fonts and chart types.


  • Web Analytics: Decipher factors behind weekly changes in your conversion funnel.
  • Sales & Retail: Analyse revenue impacts of pricing adjustments.
  • Media & Acquisition: Evaluate the effectiveness of display campaigns rapidly.
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO): Gain insights from AB test analyses.
  • Logistics: understand costs drivers & business optimisations
  • Finance: Price & volume analysis
  • Controlling: Actual vs Forecast drivers identification


Discover more about our solution at

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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