DreamTeams | Tableau Exchange


by Infotopics | Apps for Tableau



Close the loop by collaborating immediately from your dashboard in Microsoft Teams. Share your insights and align by sending messages with a link to your Tableau dashboard. People will see the exact dashboard you shared with filters and parameters applied! Tableau vizzes can even be shared with people who do not have Tableau yet so that you can collaborate with everyone at every time.

Before you can use the extension, you need to follow this guide

1. Share your Insights

DreamTeams allows you to easily share your visualizations from Tableau to Microsoft Teams in a channel or private message. Add your findings and start to collaborate!

2. Tag your Audience

Notify your colleagues or people outside your organization with mentions in DreamTeams, so they never miss a message from you.

3. Send a link to your Dashboard

DreamTeams allows you to send a link to your Tableau dashboard. The link contains all the filters and parameters you apply, so your receivers will see precisely what you see. Simple. Notify people inside and outside your organization with mentions in DreamTeams, so they never miss a message from you! Get access to all your teams and channels in Tableau in just one click and share your visualizations.

Use cases:

• Close the loop by collaborating immediately from your dashboard
• Get access to all your teams and channels in Tableau in just one click
• Share Tableau vizzes with your colleagues right from Tableau.
• Share Tableau vizzes and collaborate with people even if they do not have Tableau yet.
• Share your insights and align by sending messages with a link to your Tableau dashboard. People will see the exact dashboard you shared with filters and parameters applied.
• Notify people inside and outside your organization

Get started!

Before you can use the extension, you need to follow this guide: Before you start

Download the demo workbook with examples and instructions.

Learn more about the DreamTeams extension here.

Learn how to quickly set it up with our Product Guide.

Disclaimer The free version of this extension is limited and can be used for testing purposes only. To experience the fully functional extension, request an enterprise trial here: https://appsfortableau.infotopics.com/enterprise/

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Tech Specifications

Hosted at
Works with
Tableau 2018.2 and later


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