DashboardGuide | Tableau Exchange


door Infotopics | Apps for Tableau

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We all know the power of the tooltip in Tableau dashboards to explain and motivate the marks or metadata in visualisations. But what about general or background information on your entire dashboard? Meet DashboardGuide, the best dashboard explanation for Tableau!

The DashboardGuide extension for Tableau helps you save time, gain quality and deliver the background information, motivation or even KPI definitions of your dashboard. All within your familiar Tableau environment, governed and secured!

Happy Helping

Explain the content and setup to all users of your dashboards. Tell people how and why you developed your dashboard the way you did and boost user acceptance, experience and enthusiasm.

DashboardGuide is the ultimate solution for Tableau. Dashboard users love it!

Create helpful Dashboard Guides

Like any other text editor, the DashboardGuide extension allows you to create stunning help dialogs to be available in every dashboard you want!

Use Images, YouTube (instruction) videos, formatted text, headings and more to explain and motivate the way you intend that people use your dashboard. Drag and drop DashboardGuide in your dashboard and start creating helpful dashboard guides.

Get started!

Learn more about the DashboardGuide extension here.


The free version of this extension is limited to 1 DashboardGuide extension to your dashboard. To experience the fully functional extension, request your free trial here: https://appsfortableau.infotopics.com/request-free-trial/

Stay updated on our latest features and news!

Contact: support@appsfortableau.com



Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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