DashPets | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜


299c-表:by Infotopics | Apps for Tableau|桜



A FREE extension made by the community for the community!

Hatch your own personal dashboard pet while reaching your targets. Develop your pet’s personality, while achieving your daily tasks. Customise the DashPets playground to match your business’s branding, or create a unique dashboard for your pet! With this FREE Viz Extension, you engage with your data in a unique way.  Filter with your pets by clicking on them, use them to showcase your sales and keep track of your targets by hatching eggs.

Getting started

Add DashPets to your dashboard, drag any dimension to the Pets marks card item. Optionally add a measure to the “Size” marks card item to give the pets a size based on that measure. If you also add a measure to the “Target” marks card item, any pet that hasn't reached its target will turn into a hatchable egg.


  • Interact with your pets
  • Dashboard Actions, click on a pet to filter other worksheets.
  • Hatch Eggs, set a target and hatch eggs by reaching your targets.
  • Pet size based on a measure.
  • Native Tableau Tooltips
  • Random tooltips, pets will grab your attention with cute random tooltips.
  • Throw a ball and play!
  • X OR X,Y directions


Do you have an idea or want to work on DashPets too? DashPets is open-source and made by the community for the community! Feel free to create a PR and contribute to the code base: https://github.com/appsfortableau/pets

If you want to design your own pet and add it to DashPets, you can send your pet images to us (here) or through a PR on Github. We need at least two images per animation type (run, walk, sit, sleep) in a square format (e.g. 100x100px).


Made with love by Infotopics Apps for Tableau

Code: Krijn Grimme – Developer, LinkedIn, Github

Code: Merlijn Buit – Tableau Visionary, LinkedIn, Github

Pets: The cats, dogs and T-Rex pets are designed by Mare van Alen

Eggs: The eggs are designed by Viergacht


Github: https://github.com/appsfortableau/pets

Our website: https://appsfortableau.com/


Does DashPets take my data?

  • No, everything runs on the computer of the client. You can turn off your Wi-Fi and keep interacting with the Viz Extension. Infotopics | Apps for Tableau is a trusted company, having over 600 clients world-wide using our products for over 5 years.

Do I keep my own pet?

  • Yes! While working on your analytics, your pet will stay by your side!

Can I share my dashboard with DashPets?

  • Yes, DashPets is a Viz Extension. It behaves like any other Viz Extensions.

e3b3-表:Tech Specifications|桜

86eb-表:Hosted at|桜
73e6-表:Works with|桜
2214-表:Tableau 2024.2 and later|桜


969b-表:Example Dashboards|桜

8378-表:See this in action on Tableau Public dashboards:|桜

7455-表:More by Infotopics | Apps for Tableau|桜