Steward | Tableau Exchange


door Tamr

Licentie vereist


Tamr Steward helps admins and developers spend less time fixing end-user issues by understanding and summarising the context behind user feedback, all within a central app. Automated insights help identify the root cause of issues, allowing you to prioritise corrections or introduce governance upstream. And spend more time producing great analytics.

  • Install, invite your teammates and get started for free in minutes
  • Give users a Google Docs-like experience: select a mark and leave a comment or even suggest an edit directly from a dashboard
  • Augment your existing workflow: Integrations for email and Slack allow you to route the feedback where you’ll see it. Javascript SDK plug-in enables Steward to also be used in Tableau Embedded Analytics
  • Close the loop: triage, track and resolve issues within a single governed workflow
  • Analyse and improve: metrics provide insight into how much time is being spent resolving issues and the root cause of issues, whether it’s a data source, dashboard or individual record

Technische specificaties

Gehost op
Werkt met
Tableau 2018.2 en later
Licentie vereist
Er is een licentie vereist om deze uitbreiding na de proefperiode te gebruiken



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