Jethro ODBC by Jethro Data | Tableau Exchange

Jethro ODBC by Jethro Data

door Jethro Data


Jethro is uniquely designed to enable Tableau users to query large datasets at great speeds. By transparently indexing all columns and automatically building aggregations based on live Tableau queries, Jethro ensures that even the most demanding Tableau applications are highly performant.


  1. Download the Connector file (.taco).
  2. Move the .taco file here:
    • Windows: C:\Users[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors
  3. Start Tableau and, under Connect, select the Jethro ODBC connector. (Note: You’ll be prompted if the driver is not yet installed.)
  4. Jethro ODBC Driver Installation: A. Go to the Driver Download page. B. Download the Jethro ODBC Driver and install following the instructions in the readme provided with the client installation. Ensure the 64-bit client version is installed.
  5. Relaunch Tableau and connect using the Jethro ODBC connector.

Technische specificaties

Werkt met
Tableau 2019.4 en later
