Sales Acceleration

door Ennube


The Accelerator for “Sales Acceleration” provides insight into sales to understand how many activities it takes to close a sale. Opportunities, activities, emails, calls and meetings can be analysed with this Accelerator.

Answer Key Business Questions

  • How many activities does it take to close a sale?
  • What are the most common activities your company performs?
  • How are our sales performing year-over-year?
  • What are the top-producing industries that produced most of the sales?

Monitor and Improve KPIs

  • Total Sales by Year, Quarter and Industry
  • Number of Opportunities
  • Number of Activities
  • Number of Emails
  • Number of Calls
  • Number of Meetings
  • Number of Activities vs Sales

Required Data Attributes

  • Industry (string)
  • Account Name (string)
  • Opportunity Stage (string)
  • Opportunity ID (string)
  • Activity ID (string)
  • Type (string)
  • Close Date (date)
  • Amount (number)