Heatmap | Tableau Exchange


작성자: Actinvision

라이선스 필요


With Actinvision's Heatmap extension, build your Heatmap Chart the way you want effortlessly.

Advanced cells configuration

Customize every detail of Heatmap's appearance settings, from margins to borders or cells shape.

Colors customization

Simply choose from a predefined color palette and precisely define text, background and lines colors.

And much more…

Customize fonts, text size, labels color and format, legend position, among other options.

To learn more about Actinvision Group, our services and our products designed to ensure the success of your data projects, we invite you to explore our website.

Website https://www.actinvision.com

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/actinvision

Twitter/X https://twitter.com/Actinvision

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Actinvisioncompany

기술 사양

호스팅되는 위치
지원 대상
Tableau 2024.2 이상
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