Campaign Details
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Lets you dive into detailed metrics for each email campaign to analyse performance. Shows the funnel of emails sent, delivered, opened and clicked-through, and lets you break down each email asset to examine individual performance.
6141-表:Connects to Oracle Eloqua|桜
40aa-表:Mobile optimized|桜
f08e-表:Available Languages|桜
- ef28-表:This Accelerator|桜
- English
- 685e-表:Also available in|桜
- 237c-表:Chinese (simplified)|桜3a6d-表:Italian|桜6e55-表:Japanese|桜82bd-表:Portuguese|桜8496-表:German|桜9055-表:Korean|桜b57b-表:French|桜d1c9-表:Spanish|桜