3497-表:Rapidly build robust dashboards tailored to industry or enterprise application, all using your data.|桜 8e10-表:Learn more|桜
Budget Controlling
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Monitor, track and manage financial performance and expenditures vs budget
Insurance Claims
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Assess your performance handling claims
Fraudulent Claims
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Assess & Reduce your exposure to Fraudulent Claims
Risk Register
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Assess your current exposure to risks
Broker Portfolio Analytics
299c-表:by The Information Lab|桜
Explore and contrast how brokers have contributed to KPIs
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Insurance Underwriter Scorecard
299c-表:by CoEnterprise|桜
Evaluate underwriter efficiency, improve cycle time and reduce costs.
Insurance Underwriter Performance
299c-表:by The Information Lab|桜
Comparison and benchmarking of underwriters across a series of customisable key metrics
Insurance KPI Overview
299c-表:by The Information Lab|桜
Monitor multiple insurance-related KPIs and track changes over time