82b7-表:Accelerators|桜 | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜


3497-表:Rapidly build robust dashboards tailored to industry or enterprise application, all using your data.|桜 8e10-表:Learn more|桜




Salesforce Data Cloud - Agent Operational Efficiency

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Assess the operational efficiency of your AI Agents

Tableau Pulse Adoption

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Explore existing Pulse usage and uncover new Pulse opportunities

Databricks Compute Cost Overview

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Understand and control your Databricks account spend.

Data Source Manager for Tableau Cloud

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Better explore, understand and improve your data source management in Tableau Cloud

GridPulse – am Puls des Energieverbrauchs

299c-表:by Slalom|桜

Überwache Verbrauch, Kosten, Einsparungen & Umweltauswirkungen

GridPulse - Optimize the Heartbeat of Energy Consumption

299c-表:by Slalom|桜

Track energy consumption, costs, savings & environmental impact for transparency

Project Portfolio

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Evaluate your project portfolio: budget consumption, risk level, progress

Tableau Cloud移行技術準備アセスメント

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

日本語版のワークブック。数回クリックするだけで、お使いの Tableau Server が Tableau Cloud への移行の準備ができているかどうかを確認できます。

Aceleración de Ventas

299c-表:by Ennube|桜

Analiza cuántas actividades se necesitan para cerrar una venta

Tableau Cloud Migration Planner

299c-表:by Zuar|桜

Identify the content that does/does not need to be migrated to Tableau Cloud.

Tableau Cloud Migration Technical Readiness Assessment

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

With just a few clicks, you can check whether your Tableau Server is ready to migrate to Tableau Cloud.

Sales Acceleration

299c-表:by Ennube|桜

Analyse how many activities it takes to close a sale

Product Gaps & Risk Analysis

299c-表:by Vivun|桜

Use the Product Gaps & Risk Analysis accelerator to understand which of your deals may be at risk

Team Member Activities

299c-表:by Vivun|桜

Use the Team Member Activities Accelerator to understand where your team is spending their time

Funnel & Risk Analysis

299c-表:by Vivun|桜

Evaluate key metrics on how deals are performing & see historical perspective on deal lifecycle

Team Member Performance

299c-表:by Vivun|桜

Use the Team Member Performance Accelerator to understand how your team is performing

Tableau Cloud Migration Scope Evaluator

299c-表:by USEReady|桜

Expedite migration from Tableau on-prem to Tableau Cloud while automating steps in the framework

Plan Cloud Migrations with TabMove

299c-表:by Biztory|桜

Self-service estimator of level of effort to migrate to Tableau Cloud

Tableau Server Usage

299c-表:by The Information Lab|桜

Who’s using Tableau Server, and what’s the most popular content?

Snowflake Platform Monitoring

299c-表:by Actinvision|桜

Consumption and usage patterns for your Snowflake deployment

Snowflake Account Usage

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Track your usage, costs and performance of your Snowflake account

Dashboard Load Times - Tableau Cloud

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Monitor and drive improvements in Tableau dashboard load times

Project Management Overview

299c-表:by Merkle|桜

Insights into project budget, performance and timelines.

Runaway Queries on Snowflake

299c-表:by CoEnterprise|桜

Quick insights into runaway queries in Snowflake with available Slack integration

Design Auditor (Professional Services required)

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Grade Tableau dashboards against performance best practices to drive improvements in load times.

Dashboard Load Times

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

Monitor and drive improvements in Tableau dashboard load times