Next Best Offer: Retail Banking

door Keyrus


Retail Banking dashboard to understand the next best offer for customers who might have a high probability of acquiring new products. The dashboard allows companies to quickly ingest data from Salesforce Data Cloud into Tableau utilising accelerated queries to monitor near real-time harmonised data. The solution harmonises data across Salesforce Sales Cloud orgs.

Answer Key Business Questions

  • What are my total sales & opportunities?
  • What products and product categories represent the higher percentage of sales?
  • How are my sales distributed across the country?

Monitor & Improve KPIs

  • Total Sales
  • Total Opportunities
  • Product Sales Prediction Trend
  • YOY Sales Difference
  • Sales by State

Required Data Attributes

  • Amount (number)
  • Billing City (text)
  • Close Date (date)
  • Name (text)


Maakt verbinding met Salesforce
Ondersteunt datamapping
