CEO Cockpit - Manufacturing
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess the overall performance of your organization
- Deep dive into any topic by drilling down to specific analytical solutions
Answer key business questions
- What is our sales performance? What is our sales pipeline like?
- How are we impacted by product shortages? How resilient is our Supply Chain?
- How much profit did our organization generate?
- Are our customers satisfied? Are we effective in retaining our customers?
- How are we impacted by employee churn? How many headcount do we have?
- What is our financial situation?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Total Sales: Total Sales amount (expressed in currency)
- Sales Pipeline: Total amount of open opportunities (expressed in currency)
- Conversion Rate: Share of the amount of opportunities won in relation to the amount of all closed opportunities (expressed in %)
Supply Chain
- Product Shortages: It measures the total amount of products you were not able to provide to your clients due to stock shortage. It can be called "Total Product Shortages" = Sum of ([Requested Quantity]-[Confirmed Quantity])*[Unit Price]
- Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction score (1 for unsatisfied, 5 for fully satisfied)
- Customer Churn: Share of lost customers from one year to another
Human Resources
- Employee Churn: Share of employees who left the company in the last 12 months (expressed in %)
- Headcount: Number of employees being employed by the organization at the end of a given period (a part-time employee counts as one)
- Starters: Number of employees starting in the organization
- Leavers: Number of employees leaving the organization
Finance > Income Statement
- Total Revenues: Total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations (expressed in currency)
- COGS: Cost of goods sold (COGS, also known as 'Cost of Sales') refers to the direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold in a company. This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating the good along with the direct labor costs used to produce the good. It excludes indirect expenses such as distribution costs and sales force costs. (expressed in currency)
- Gross Margin: Amount left over from Revenues after Operating Costs are subtracted (also called 'Gross Profit') (expressed in currency)
- Gross Margin %: Share of left over from Revenues after Operating Costs are subtracted (also called 'Gross Profit %') (expressed in %)
- OpEx: Operating Expenses: Expenditures (that is, cash out) that a company makes to generate income (also called 'SG&A Expenses'): S&M Expenses, R&D Expenses, G&A Expenses (expressed in currency)
- OpEx to Revenues ratio: Determines how much it actually costs to run your business against how much you bring in from revenues (expressed in %)
- Operating Income: Earnings before interest and taxes → profits before taking away interest charges and tax payments (expressed in currency)
- Operating Income %: Share of earnings before interest and taxes → share of profits before taking away interest charges and tax payments (expressed in %)
Finance > Balance Sheet
- Current Assets: Assets that are expected to be converted into cash in less than 12 months: Cash, Accounts Receivables, Inventory, Prepaid Expenses
- Current Liabilities: Bills that must be paid within 12 months of the date of the Balance Sheet: Accounts Payable, Accrued Expenses, Current Portion of Debt, Income Taxes Payable (expressed in currency)
- Total Assets: The final amount of all gross investments, cash and equivalents, receivables, and other assets as they are presented on the balance sheet (expressed in currency)
- Total Liabilities: Current Liabilities and Long-Term Debt (expressed in currency)
- Working Capital: Amount of money the enterprise has to work with in the short-term (also called 'Net Current Assets' or 'Funds') (expressed in currency)
- Working Capital ratio: Business's ability to meet its payment obligations as they fall due (also called "Current Ratio") (expressed in %)
- Total Equity: Determines how much a company would have left over in assets if the company went out of business immediately (expressed in currency)
- Debt to equity ratio: How much debt the company has relative to its investor equity (expressed in %)
Required attributes
- Month (date): Month
- KPI Code (string): KPI Code according to following rules (*)
- KPI Breakdown (string): Any level of detail you might have for your KPI
- KPI Value (numeric): Value of your KPI
(*) Attribute "KPI Code" can take the following values:
- 'FIN_REVENUES': Total Revenues (expressed in amount). The breakdown by Business Line can be stored in attribute "KPI Breakdown"
- 'FIN_COGS': Cost of Goods Sold (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_OPEX': Operating Expenses (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_OPIN': Operating Income (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_CASSETS': Current Assets (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_CLIABILITIES': Current Liabilities (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_TASSETS': Total Assets (expressed in amount)
- 'FIN_TLIABILITIES': Total Liabilities (expressed in amount)
- 'SALES': Total Sales (expressed in amount)
- 'PIPELINE': Total Sales Pipeline (expressed in amount). The breakdown of Sales Pipeline can be stored in attribute "KPI Breakdown"
- 'CLOSED_OPPORTUNITIES': Total amount of closed opportunites, won or lost (expressed in amount)
- 'CUST_SAT': Customer Statisfaction (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'CUST_CHURN': Customer Churn Rate (0.5 stands for 50%)
Human Resources
- 'HR_STARTERS': Number of new headcount in the organization at the begining of the month
- 'HR_LEAVERS': Number of headcount who have left the organization at the begining of the month
- 'HR_HEADCOUNT_EOP': Number of Headcount working for the organization at the end of the month
- 'CHURN': Employee Churn Rate (0.5 stands for 50%)
Supply Chain ('Products' are items that you sell to your customers; 'Materials' are items you get from your suppliers)
- 'SCM_SHORTAGES': Product Shortages (expressed in amount)
- 'SCM_PRODUCT_DEMAND': Supply vs Demand Reliability for Products (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'SCM_MATERIAL DEMAND': Supply vs Demand Reliability for Materials (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'SCM_PRODUCT_INFLATION': Inflation Impact on Products (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'SCM_MATERIAL_INFLATION': Inflation Impact on Materials (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'SCM_PRODUCT_LOGISTICS': Logistics Reliability for Products (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
- 'SCM_MATERIAL_LOGISTICS': Logistics Reliability for Materials (values from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high])
Supports data mapping
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