Telco Calls | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜

Telco Calls

299c-表:by Tableau|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess the volume of activity you face
  • Appraise the level of service you deliver
  • Focus your efforts on top factors of dropped calls

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • Which volume of calls do we handle?
  • What are the typical setup and conversation times?
  • How many calls were dropped?
  • What are the main reasons for dropped calls?
  • What is the volume of calls handled by the cell towers?
  • Which phone types are used the most?
  • What is the volume of handovers?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Total Calls: Total number of calls over the period
  • Number of Cell Towers: Total number of last cell towers used for calls
  • Calls per Cell Tower: Average number of calls per last cell tower

Dropped Calls

  • Dropped Calls: Calls which, due to technical reasons, were cut off before the speaking parties had finished their conversational tone and before one of them had hung up
  • Dropped Calls %: Share of the calls which, due to technical reasons, were cut off before the speaking parties had finished their conversational tone and before one of them had hung up (expressed in percentage)


  • Total Handovers: Total number of handovers. A handover refers to the process of transferring an ongoing call or data session of a mobile terminal from one access network to another access network.
  • Average Handovers: Average number of handovers per call


  • Average Setup Time: Time interval from the instant a user initiates a connection request until a complete message indicating call disposition is sent (expressed in seconds)
  • Average Conversation Time: Average conversation time for a call (expressed in minutes)
  • Dropped Calls - Average Conversation Time: Average conversation time for a call that were cut off, due to technical reason, before the speaking parties had finished their conversational tone and before one of them had hung up (expressed in minutes)

Required attributes

  • Call Date Time (date): Date-Time of the call
  • Call Direction (string): Call Direction: “InBound”, “Outbound”
  • Network (string): Type of network used (5G, 4G, 3G+...)
  • Last Cell Tower (string): Identifier of the last cell tower
  • Dropped Reason (string): Call Drop Reason if any (null if the call was not dropped)
  • Handovers (numeric): Number of handovers during the call
  • Dropped Call (numeric): Was the call dropped? 1 if the call was dropped, 0 else
  • Conversation Time (min) (numeric): Duration of the conversation, expressed in minutes
  • Setup Time (s) (numeric): Duration of the call setup, expressed in seconds


c0b5-表:Supports data mapping|桜
