Shipment | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜


299c-表:by Tableau|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


This Accelerator allows you to assess and improve your ability to deliver your customers on-time, in-full.

This Accelerator will split your shipments in three categories:

  • Ready for Pickup: All the shipments that are still to be shipped
    • Estimate expected shipment duration based on past shipments
    • Define pickup priorities
    • Identify bottlenecks
    • Benefit from an ideal pickup workload plan for the upcoming days to meet delivery promise
    • Drill at shipment level of detail and with a single click, open any shipment in your source application to take immediate actions
  • In Transit: All the shipments that were shipped but not delivered yet
    • Estimate what volume of shipments will be delivered late or on-time
    • Benefit from an analysis of the underlying reasons for your late shipments: “late pickup” or “longer shipment than usual”
  • Completed: All the shipments that were delivered
    • Assess your ability to deliver to your customers on-time
    • Breakdown this performance by carrier, route, centre or transportation mode to find outliers and patterns
    • Pinpoint problematic routes
    • Identify the root causes of your late shipments and where to focus your efforts

Demo video

Answer key business questions

  • What shipments should be prepared for pickup?
  • Which countries must be delivered?
  • What shipments are In Transit?
  • Were completed deliveries made on time?
  • What are the identified delays?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Shipments ready for Pickup: Number of shipments that have not been shipped yet
  • Shipments In Transit: Number of shipments that have been shipped but not yet delivered
  • Shipments Completed: Number of shipments that were actually delivered to the recipient
  • Recipients #: Number of recipients for which deliveries are planned over the period

Quality of Service

  • Late Deliveries: Number of late shipments i.e. delivered after expected delivery date (for completed shipments)
  • Late Deliveries %: Share of shipments that were delivered after the expected delivery date (expressed in %)
  • On-Time Deliveries: Number of shipments that were delivered before or at the expected delivery date (for completed shipments)
  • OTD - On-Time Deliveries %: Share of shipments that were delivered on-time (expressed in %)


  • Actual Delivery Duration: Average number of days it took to deliver shipments (from Shipment Date)
  • Expected Delivery Duration: Average duration that the shipment should last to arrive at expected delivery date (for completed shipments)
  • Actual vs Expected (days): Average number of days between the expected and the actual delivery date (for completed shipments)

Required attributes

  • Shipment id (string): Shipment Unique Identifier
  • Carrier (string): Company that transports goods
  • Main Transportation Mode (string): The means by which goods are transported from the shipper to the recipient
  • Shipment Date (date): Date of the Shipment (Null if not yet shipped)
  • Expected Delivery Date (date): Date when the delivery is expected
  • Actual Delivery Date (date): Actual date when the delivery was done (Null if not yet delivered)
  • Shipper (string): Organisation that fulfils the request for goods
  • Shipper Country (string): Country of the Shipping Organisation
  • Shipper City (string): City of the Shipping Organisation
  • Shipper Latitude (numeric): Latitude of the Shipping Organisation
  • Shipper Longitude (numeric): Longitude of the Shipping Organisation
  • Recipient (string): Customer receiving the goods being shipped
  • Recipient Country (string): Country of the Recipient Organisation
  • Recipient City (string): City of the Recipient Organisation
  • Recipient Latitude (numeric): Latitude of the Recipient Organisation
  • Recipient Longitude (numeric): Longitude of the Recipient Organisation


c0b5-表:Supports data mapping|桜
