Pixel Perfect
299c-表:by USEReady|桜
cf36-表:Network enabled|桜
2452-表:License Required|桜
Pixel Perfect extension is a one-stop print-ready reporting solution which can support:
- Print-ready and well-formatted reports in Tableau
- Make reports available in popular export formats like pdf, ppt, excel, csv, doc, html, etc.
- Paginated Reports with Page Numbers, Page Breaks and Repeatable Headers
- Flat Reports without limitations to number of rows and columns
- Report Distribution via email and SFTP
To experience the workflow please visit our Tableau Server
Username: PPR_Explorer
Password: PPR@Useready#321
e3b3-表:Tech Specifications|桜
- 86eb-表:Hosted at|桜
- https://pixelperfectprod.useready.com/home/indextabe.html
- 73e6-表:Works with|桜
- 2214-表:Tableau 2018.2 and later|桜
- 5332-表:License Required|桜
- 8bbe-表:A license is required to use this extension beyond its trial|桜