Network Analysis

299c-表:by Billigence|桜

cf36-表:Network enabled|桜
2452-表:License Required|桜


Network Analysis helps you visualise a network of connected nodes and edges, allowing for easy analysis of entity relationships.

Typical use-cases involve analysis of potential fraud, social networks and more.

In order for the Extension to work properly, the underlying data needs to be formatted in a certain way. Please refer to the Instructions section (marked with ? symbol) within the Extension for more information.

For more information on how to run Extension in your Dashboard, our Data Privacy Policy or other Tableau Extensions we offer, visit

e3b3-表:Tech Specifications|桜

86eb-表:Hosted at|桜
73e6-表:Works with|桜
2214-表:Tableau 2018.2 and later|桜
5332-表:License Required|桜
8bbe-表:A license is required to use this extension beyond its trial|桜
