GridPulse – am Puls des Energieverbrauchs
299c-表:by Slalom|桜
Überwache Verbrauch, Kosten, Einsparungen & Umweltauswirkungen
GridPulse - Optimize the Heartbeat of Energy Consumption
299c-表:by Slalom|桜
Track energy consumption, costs, savings & environmental impact for transparency
Patient Record
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Assess the overall efficiency of the facility to treat patients
Budget Controlling
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Monitor, track and manage financial performance and expenditures vs budget
Risk Register
299c-表:by Tableau|桜
Assess your current exposure to risks
Aceleración de Ventas
299c-表:by Ennube|桜
Analiza cuántas actividades se necesitan para cerrar una venta
Tableau Cloud Migration Scope Evaluator
299c-表:by USEReady|桜
Expedite migration from Tableau on-prem to Tableau Cloud while automating steps in the framework
Salesforce Data Cloud Service Accelerator
299c-表:by Atrium|桜
Unify customer data to enable quick case resolution in Service Cloud & improve customer satisfaction
Health Data Interoperability Brickbuilder
299c-表:by Lovelytics|桜
Trends in care across your facilities and patient population
Patient Journey Accelerator
299c-表:by Globant|桜
Understand patient behavior to enable better treatment plans
Pilotage Hospitalier Stratégique
299c-表:by Mydral|桜
Mettre en avant les éléments essentiels pour le bon pilotage stratégique de hospitaux
Quality Care Analytics
299c-表:by InterWorks|桜
Analyses the results of Care Quality Commission audits of healthcare settings in the UK.
患者記録+DRG ダッシュボード
299c-表:by Tableau|桜