Delta Sharing by Databricks | 5e8b-表:Tableau Exchange|桜

Delta Sharing by Databricks

299c-表:by Databricks|桜


Delta Sharing is an open protocol for securing the real-time exchange of large datasets, which enables organisations to share data in real time regardless of which computing platforms they use. It is a simple REST protocol that securely shares access to part of a cloud dataset and leverages modern cloud storage systems, such as S3, ADLS or GCS, to reliably transfer data. With Delta Sharing, a user accessing shared data can directly connect to it through pandas, Tableau, Apache Spark, Rust or other systems that support the open protocol, without having to deploy a specific compute platform first. Data providers can share a dataset once to reach a broad range of consumers, while consumers can begin using the data in minutes.


  1. Download the Connector file (.taco).
  2. Move the .taco file here: For Desktop: Windows: C:\Users[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors macOS: /Users/[user]/Documents/My Tableau Repository/Connectors For Prep: Windows: C:\Users[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Prep Repository\Connectors macOS: /Users/[user]/Documents/My Tableau Prep Repository/Connectors
  3. Start Tableau and under Connect, select the "Delta Sharing by Databricks" connector.
  4. Fill in the dialog box with the connection information: Endpoint URL = The endpoint for delta sharing server Bearer Token = The credentials used to access delta sharing server. (Leave blank if no authentication is needed) Or Click “Upload share file” and upload your config.share file that you get from people who share data with you.

e3b3-表:Tech Specifications|桜

73e6-表:Works with|桜
2214-表:Tableau 2024.1 and later|桜
