InstantAnalytics for Marketing

299c-表:by Lovelytics|桜

531f-表:Launch Demo|桜


The InstantAnalytics Accelerator for Marketing Performance provides metrics on performance of your marketing content across social media platforms. Marketing leaders can see quickly how well their content connects with customers – and where the greatest ROI and expenditures are.

Paid subscriptions to InstantAnalytics provide out-of-the-box connections to more than 200 data sources natively, and you can store your data in a hosted database – or your own. Subscriptions also include dashboards purpose-built by Tableau Vizionaries.

Answer Key Business Questions

  • How many views did our content get, and how many times did potential customers click on it?
  • How many times did someone click through to purchase our product?
  • How much did we spend, total, by platform, and how much did we spend for each click and conversion?
  • How much did we spend for each view/conversion on social media platforms?

Monitor and Improve KPIs

  • Total Impressions
  • Total Clicks
  • Total Conversions
  • Total Spend
  • Cost per Click
  • Cost per Conversion

Required Data Attributes

  • Platform (string)
  • Start Date (date)
  • Clicks (int)
  • Completed Views (int)
  • Conversions (int)
  • Impressions (int)
  • Cost per Placement (decimal)
  • Video Views (int)


c0b5-表:Supports data mapping|桜
