
299c-表:by Tamr|桜

cf36-表:Network enabled|桜
2452-表:License Required|桜


Tamr Steward helps admins and developers spend less time fixing end-user issues by understanding and summarising the context behind user feedback, all within a central app. Automated insights help identify the root cause of issues, allowing you to prioritise corrections or introduce governance upstream. And spend more time producing great analytics.

  • Install, invite your teammates and get started for free in minutes
  • Give users a Google Docs-like experience: select a mark and leave a comment or even suggest an edit directly from a dashboard
  • Augment your existing workflow: Integrations for email and Slack allow you to route the feedback where you’ll see it. Javascript SDK plug-in enables Steward to also be used in Tableau Embedded Analytics
  • Close the loop: triage, track and resolve issues within a single governed workflow
  • Analyse and improve: metrics provide insight into how much time is being spent resolving issues and the root cause of issues, whether it’s a data source, dashboard or individual record

e3b3-表:Tech Specifications|桜

86eb-表:Hosted at|桜
73e6-表:Works with|桜
2214-表:Tableau 2018.2 and later|桜
5332-表:License Required|桜
8bbe-表:A license is required to use this extension beyond its trial|桜
