HR Diversity Scorecard

by Lovelytics


This Accelerator provides insights into the diversity of your organization. Leaders can use this to understand

  • Overall representation among your employee base by women and Persons of Color;
  • Diversity by job level and tenure;
  • Employee satisfaction by demographic;
  • Employee performance by demographic.

Answers Key Business Questions

  • How diverse is my organization, overall?
  • What’s the gender distribution in my organization?
  • What percent of my organization are Persons of Color?
  • How are diverse is our organization by job level?
  • How satisfied are our employees, by demographic?
  • How does employee performance compare, across demographics

Monitor and Improve KPIs

  • Percent Diversity
  • Percent Female
  • Percent Persons of Color
  • Years of Job Tenure
  • Job Rating


Supports data mapping
